Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Boys of Summer

We've been enjoying the warm summer weather, as you should. The boys have been having an especially good time. They're both playing baseball. Makai does t-ball and Chase does coach pitch. Makai is doing a lot better than last year. He runs the bases and actually stays on his base instead of running into the outfield or off to the playground. Of course I still have to stand with him when he's playing the field tol keep him interested in the game. Who knew t-ball would be so much work for me?!

Chase plays really well considering he's never really played before. He's quite a slugger. He knocks it into the outfield almost every time. And I get to play catcher when his team is batting so it's a lot of fun.

Jess and Teija make good cheerleaders. Teija is sitting up on her own now and loves being outside so she has lots of fun too.

Grandpa Cory and Grandma Teresa come to most of the games too. We even had Olivia and Ella out to a game this week, although Ella was a little more interested in the playground.

Chase has also started doing cub scouts. He got his bobcat award at his first den meeting. Way to go Chase!

It turns out he's quite a marksman too. We found that out when Grandpa Cory and his friend Vince took us shooting during a recent trip to Sun Valley.

1 comment:

  1. Jess! It's Kate Cotter. I am so glad that I just stumbled on you! You and your family are SO cute!

    We need to keep in touch better I think it's been like ten years since we talked!!

    Send me an email or something!
